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How do I get a library card?

723 views   |   Last updated on May 22, 2019    COL 101 library cards library privileges


All students and staff at ECC, as well as any residents (18 years or older) of our district (Community College District #509), are eligible for borrowing privileges. A physical ID is required to check out physical library materials (e.g. books, DVDs, etc.).  Once you get your ID from Student Life, you can to come to the Library Circulation Desk to register your barcode.

For off-campus access, the method to sign into the library databases and e-books from off campus changed. Previously, you signed in with your Student ID library barcode number or library card barcode. The new method requires you to sign in with your ECC username and password, as if you are logging into AccessECC or D2L. If you are already signed into AccessECC or D2L, you will not need to sign in again. You do not need to activate your library barcode in order to sign in to library databases and e-books from off campus.

If you have any questions about your library card, please contact the Circulation Desk at x7337 or

If you are a student or staff and are having issues logging into the databases or e-books, please contact the Reference Desk at x7354 or